ATTENTION INVESTORS: DO YOUR RESEARCH! Tax Deed sales are not for the uninformed. It is imperative that anyone interested in participating in the Tax Deed Sale performs due diligence including a full title and lien search prior to bidding on any property. Prospective bidders should not solely rely on this website and/or its links for information about a property. Broward County DOES NOT guarantee the condition of any property. All properties are sold "BUYER BEWARE - SOLD AS IS”.
Before you can bid in a sale, you must make a deposit. All deposits must be submitted online via an electronic debit (ACH deposit). Click the My Payments link after logging in and Submit Deposit. The deadline to submit your deposit is before 4:45 PM ET on the Thursday before the auction. Pursuant to Sections 692.202-205 Florida Statutes, successful winners of an auctioned tax deed property will be required to provide a fully executed Restrict Foreign Principals Affidavit at the same time the final payment is made to settled the bid. Successful investors will be contacted with instructions. Pursuant to 50.021 and 50.0311, Florida Statutes, future advertisements and legal notices required for Tax Deeds Auctions and Delinquent Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property Taxes, will be published and available at Prior Sale ResultsTo filter the list by year sold, click the 'Filter' link below the table and enter a year. To download the Prior Sale Results with additional information about each parcel, you must log in. If you do not have a User ID, register for free using the Register link above, login and click the 'Download' link below the table. All questions about the Prior Sale Results must be directed to the Broward County Tax Collector at (954) 357-5373 or